Mithila Teachers' Training College

AT +P.O.: Basuara, Distt.: Madhubani - 847212 (Bihar)
Permanant Recognised by: ERC, NCTE Bhubaneswar (Govt. of India), Permanent Affiliated to : L. N. Mithila University, Darbhanga
D.EI. Ed. Affiliated to Bihar School Examination Board, Patna

(Accreditation with "B" Grade by NAAC)


IIQA Undertaking
Institutional Information for Quality Assessment(IIQA)
Academic and support facilities - laboratory libray sportsPdf
Best Practices Pdf
Facility for e-content Pdf
Institutional Distinctiveness Pdf
Resolutions of IQAC - 2017
Resolutions of IQAC 2018
Resolutions of IQAC 2019
Resolutions of IQAC 2020
Student Performance and learning outcomes Pdf
Student satisfaction survery Pdf
The Internal quality Assurance System (3)